

# open the file
f = open('englishpassage.txt')
data =
# build a dictionary
words = {}
# count values of each key
for word in data.split():
    words[word] = words.get(word,0)+1
# reverse key and value
d = [(v,k) for k,v in words.items()]
# sort by count in descending number
d.sort(reverse=True) # or d = sorted(d,reverse=True)
# get top100 in dic
for count, word in d[:100]:
# 以下は出力
2480 the
1661 I
1427 to
1254 and
1237 of
1175 a
732 was
720 in
495 it
459 that
431 my
414 with
398 he
397 not
396 is
366 as
347 for
335 be
333 but
297 at
293 on
285 or
284 you
281 me
281 had
255 would
245 The
243 his
231 this
226 have
224 by
193 one
190 so
186 if
177 they
177 Red
171 from
166 all
160 about
145 were
139 no
137 him
136 there
134 like
134 are
122 out
118 when
116 which
115 Shirt
113 up
113 do
111 we
111 them
111 If
108 been
106 could
103 such
103 Porcupine
101 did
99 said
97 she
97 He
96 who
96 get
96 an
95 any
93 what
92 It
91 may
90 will
88 some
86 should
85 more
80 their
78 old
77 Project
76 than
75 only
75 her
73 going
73 go
71 make
69 two
69 But
68 school
67 house
67 asked
66 teacher
66 other
66 am
63 three
63 might
63 made
62 thought
62 me.
62 come
61 your
60 room
60 into
59 told

添付ファイル: filebotchan.txt 280件 [詳細]

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Last-modified: 2020-06-12 (金) 19:08:44